Monday, February 17, 2014

...Thoughtful day....

   As I'm sitting at my computer to write on my blog, my hair is being viciously attacked made "beautiful" by a 3 and 4 year old. I have more clips in it than any one human should have. The amount of detangling spray in my hair is astounding and I'm pretty sure my hair will smell like watermelons for a whole month. My kids are enjoying every moment of it, as I am wincing at every hair I feel break.

  I can't help but love the laughter I hear from them as the decide which crazy way to make my hair go up. "NO-this way is too fall-y",

  Some days I get so caught up in everything I have to "accomplish" for the day, and I realize how much I miss them at the end of the day because I didn't take the time to just...sit and let them break brush my hair. But those days I take them time to appreciate their quirky little personalities are the most rewarding days and I find myself full of stories for my husband when he gets home and we spend time giggling over their antics.

  Yesterday I took the time to dress us all up in our winter apparel, and we just rolled around in the snow and went sledding on our own little hill. I've found that since having little ones, I'm not so crazy about going out in the cold. But I don't want them to miss out on all the fun you can really have out there. I spent my childhood sledding and playing "king of the hill" on this giant snow pile left behind in an empty parking lot a block away from my house (yeah-surprise! I grew up in town!), and I loved it. Nowadays, that doesn't seem like it would be as safe to let my kids go out on their own as it was back then, which means I need to make the effort to let them have as much fun by going out with them.

  All this rambling to say, I don't want to miss out on my kids and I regret the days I do. Take the time today to let them ruin brush your hair.

  What fun things do you do with your little ones?

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